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New Ideas for the Freshly Birthed Economy

The New Market take New Ideas |

Recently we have been seeing top tier profits drop as interest rates have gone up, meaning lending is down, and the only way to cut on spending is to lower top tier profits. The next to come are cuts in your lower tier spending. What if I were to tell you that trimming up your your personalization with life first means the financial optimization would be natural, less painful, and more effective. Let me explain.

Many don't realize this current squeeze on finance is dynamic. It's a birth canal. It's a birthing of a new economy. This recession won't be as bad as the last two because the last economic boom was the gestation of a greater growth boom that is coming in the business arena. Namely among home based businesses. It's a 100 Billion industry that is just starting to get comfortable in the fresh new air outside the womb of the labor boom that started in 2016.

2027 completed the foundation that we are now building on. Many say money has no value cause it's not backed by gold any more. We cut the gold standard to release the economy from the foundation to allow greater assets like real estate to build on that foundation to back the dollar as well and then eventually commerce. We now have a dollar that is more powerful than ever before because it's still backed by gold, but now real estate and the commercial sector. It's a three teir cycle seen in the past 21 years of the S&P 500. Every seven days create a compound of time known as the seven year peak and valleys you see on most graphs. The down turn now was predictable and natural. It's happened the same way in different rhythms ever since the calendar became a standard for business.

Everyone has a unique battle, unlike someone else, to justify spending or profit cuts, that's costing them more money. Why? Lack of knowledge.

It could be that you want to connect more to the spiritual aspect of life to attract what you need, grow your vision so more invest in you, create harmony in your communication so people are more persuaded by your confidence, develop more rhythm in your work and rest so you don't burn out, build honor in relationships so you have better support, develop your children so you eliminate risk, create more intimacy with your mate so you generate more power in your relationship, become wiser investors so you are more independent, create more public engagement so business is more positioned, or learn how to profit while living content with what you have so you expand equity without being greedy.

That means neuroplastically you need new nerological commands in your brain to create those habits naturally which will lead to easy handling all the way down to the least of importance which should be your finances. That's means you need new things to learn.

For some easy free coaching; I have a ton of free coaching on hot topics like the spiritual aspects of attracting what you want, growing your vision, even adult intimacy topics.

Stop by and gain a healthier you or just build and optimize the health of your business you already have.

So the secret is found in your daily life. If you have the secrets to growth, you are already well equipped. If not, get new ideas.

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